This plan is targeted at developing a community affairs plan for SINDWA ENGINEERING. It embodies realistic plans intended at establishing an enabling environment for a safe and on-the-schedule project completion.
Community Relations is a value-added service central to our comprehensive approach to project management.
A strong cordial relationship within the community forms an important part of our everyday activities, ensuring the project sites and plant are developed with an environment of trust and understanding, so that work can proceed on time and without costly interruptions.
As a Corporate body, it is SINDWA ENGINEERING’s goal is to maintain mutually beneficial relationship with the host communities. To achieve these goals SINDWA ENGINEERING will employ community affairs personnel who will interface with the client Area Community Liaison Officers (CLO).
SINDWA ENGINEERING community affairs personnel will cooperate with and work through the CLOs to ensure that local communities are aware of and approve of project activities such that any conflicts are resolved in a timely manner.
The public relations staff will report directly to the CASHES Manager. We have therefore evolved strategies towards the affairs of the communities along project route as follows:
- Maintain good relationship with the community in which we work at all times;
- Participate to the best of our ability in their development programs;
- Respect their culture and tradition by obeying and paying attention to their laws and customs;
- Evolve and maintain a line of communication with the host community or government even during periods of crisis by using the option of dialogue;
- Carry out our operations in such a manner that minimizes impact on the environment by maintaining minimum trace of waste products in any work site and also by our operations or products;
- Generally carry out our operations in such a way as to positively contribute to the progress and development of the community;
- Offer gainful employment to the youths of our host community, where possible and feasible.
- Continuously assess and abate the social and economic impact of business activities and to take necessary preventive or mitigating measures.
- Respond to formal community requests in an appropriate and timely manner.
- Bring relevant issues affecting host communities to the attention of Client and appropriate authorities.
- Manage the settlement of compensation for encroachment or damage to private, community or public property.
- Establish a community development program in partnership with Client and the host community.